10 Must-have Hospitality Cleaning Accessories

← News 10 Must-have Hospitality Cleaning Accessories Quick Answer: Top 10 must-have hospitality cleaning accessories include vacuum cleaners, mops, brooms, microfiber cloths, glass cleaning cloths, buckets, gloves, masks, detergents, and specialty cleaning acids. Key...

Our Ultimate Hotel Cleaning Supplies List

← News Our Ultimate Hotel Cleaning Supplies List Quick Answer: The ultimate hotel cleaning supplies list includes disinfectants, detergents, mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners, microfiber cloths, scrub brushes, and electrostatic disinfectant tools like the EPIX360. Key...

Our Guide To Effective Hospitality Cleaning

← News Our Guide To Effective Hospitality Cleaning Quick Answer: Effective hospitality cleaning involves structured checklists for different areas, frequent sanitation of high-traffic zones using advanced tools like electrostatic sprayers, and staff training on new...

A Guide To Disinfecting Couches In Public Spaces

← News A Guide To Disinfecting Couches In Public Spaces Quick Answer: To disinfect couches in public spaces, pre-clean to remove solids and stains, then apply EPA-approved disinfectants using tools like the EMist EPIX360 for even coverage. Key Takeaways: Pre-clean...