How Long Can Coronavirus Really Live on Surfaces?

How Long Can Coronavirus Really Live on Surfaces? Experts Weigh In on New Evidence When the COVID-19 pandemic first began in March numerous beliefs and claims circulated about how long the novel coronavirus lived on surfaces and how long it was infectious. These...

Preventing the spread of germs in Retail

Preventing the Spread of Germs in Retail The Retail Industry has Changed the way they Clean Since the start of COVID-19 the retail industry has changed the way they clean not only stores, but supply rooms, break rooms, and even their products. Disinfecting was once a...

White House uses EMist Electrostatic Sprayers

White House Disinfected Using EMist Electrostatic Sprayers TruElectrostatic Disinfection™: High touch surfaces disinfected to ensure healthy environment To ensure the safety and health of staff and visitors and to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus that causes...

The Growth of Electrostatic Technology

The Growth of Electrostatic Technology By ISSA Straight Talk with Jeff Cross Traditional spraying applications were up-to-date until the coronavirus hit the world, and virtually overnight innovation has taken over. In this Straight Talk episode, learn how...

Choosing the right solution

Choosing the right solution to handle increased facility disinfections During the pandemic as BSCs and in-house service providers adapt to more frequent and comprehensive cleaning service Before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, most building service contractors...