A Guide To Disinfecting Couches In Public Spaces

← News A Guide To Disinfecting Couches In Public Spaces Quick Answer: To disinfect couches in public spaces, pre-clean to remove solids and stains, then apply EPA-approved disinfectants using tools like the EMist EPIX360 for even coverage. Key Takeaways: Pre-clean...

Businesses Must Cease the Dangerous Trend of Hygiene Theater

Businesses Must Cease the Dangerous Trend of Hygiene Theater At a time when many Americans are patronizing businesses for the first time in almost 18 months — and cases of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 are on the rise — companies must cease the dangerous trend of...

Flex and EMist Quickly Ramp Production

Flex and EMist Quickly Ramp Production of Cordless TruElectrostatic™ Disinfectant Sprayers to Address Heightened Consumer Health & Safety Expectations Flex and EMist Quickly Ramp Production of Cordless TruElectrostatic™ Disinfectant Sprayers to Address Heightened...