Cruise Ships
Healthier spaces. Healthier people.
Preventing the spread of germs
Illnesses spread quickly in a closed environment – and cruise ships are no stranger to this fact. People in close quarters breathe the same air, touch the same surfaces, eat from the same buffet line, sit in the same water – and there are serious, even fatal consequences if these unseen pathogens are allowed to spread ship-wide.
Easy-to-use EMist Electrostatic Disinfectant Systems are 100% safe, non-toxic, disinfectants and are proven to lower risks to passengers and staff, reduce labor and chemical costs, and provide peace of mind.
Products & Offerings
Shop Disinfection Technology
EPIX360™ Handheld Disinfectant Applicator
In Stock
EX7000™ Backpack Disinfectant Applicator
$2,000 $1,595
In Stock
Health-e Certification Online Course
$279 $79
In Stock
How It Works
TruElectrostatic for TruDisinfection™
Our EMist® system uses patented electrostatic technology to apply disinfectant evenly and efficiently. Positively charged droplets are drawn to surfaces like magnets, ensuring thorough coverage and reducing waste.