

Healthier spaces. Healthier people.

Preventing the spread of germs

The auto industry is enhancing safety by disinfecting high-traffic areas like showrooms and vehicles, with a focus on high-touch surfaces. Dealerships use electrostatic sprayers for efficient, thorough coverage, ensuring a pathogen-free environment that protects employees and customers while demonstrating a commitment to health.

The average person spends 17,600 minutes in a car each year, a space home to over 700 types of bacteria, which can cause illnesses like food poisoning, MRSA, and infections.

Products & Offerings

Shop Disinfection Technology

EPIX360™ Handheld Disinfectant Applicator

$950 $795

In Stock

EX7000™ Backpack Disinfectant Applicator

$2,000 $1,595

In Stock

Health-e Certification Online Course

$279 $79

In Stock

How It Works

TruElectrostatic for TruDisinfection™

Our EMist® system uses patented electrostatic technology to apply disinfectant evenly and efficiently. Positively charged droplets are drawn to surfaces like magnets, ensuring thorough coverage and reducing waste.